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Welcome to our blog, where we explore the latest innovations in home automation, offering insights and inspiration to enhance convenience, security, and comfort in your living space.

Three Critical Capabilities You Want in a Video Surveillance System

A man monitors his video surveillance system on a computer in a Utah home.

Part 2 of Choosing a Video Surveillance Solution for Your Home

This blog will pick up where we left off last month, kicking off a series on choosing the right video surveillance system and cameras for your Park City, UT, home. In this installment, we're going deeper into three critical aspects of these solutions and what you should look for. How and where your footage is stored, how you control the system, and how well it can detect events are all essential factors in separating one solution from another. 

Ready? Please keep reading below.

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What to Know About Your Video Surveillance System Footage

A person is looking at video surveillance camera footage.

These Are the Features You’ll Want for Video Monitoring

You are likely familiar with the myriad options available for home surveillance. There are still some older analog systems, often available at big-box retailers, that can record video footage from multiple cameras. But the products getting all the attention these days are digital network-connected (IP) cameras. If you missed it, check out the first part of this blog series, where we delve into modern security camera system features and benefits. 

In this second installment, we will discuss video monitoring and storage considerations in video surveillance systems. As we discussed with cameras, in the past few years, significant advances have been made with storage and footage search options. Keep reading to learn about the key surveillance features you’ll want in your Park City, UT home. 

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How to Choose a Video Surveillance System


Look for These Three Critical Features

How do you go about choosing a video surveillance system for your property? With many devices and ecosystems to choose from on both the professional and DIY sides, it's not a simple proposition. 

No one solution will fit everyone's needs. A high-rise Salt Lake City condominium's surveillance needs will be quite different from those of a Park City mountain chalet. While it's tempting to go with a consumer DIY solution, you should know all the pros and cons.

Show and Tell AV Solutions works with Luma Surveillance for monitoring solutions for various reasons that include stability, privacy, and performance. Keep reading to learn more and see if Luma solutions are right for you.

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